1.     What is the difference between short paper and full paper?

The short paper is characterized by a length of 2 to 4 pages. The full paper is limited to 15 pages.


2.     It is necessary submit a paper?

It is not necessary to submit a short/full paper but it is greatly encouraged.

If you decided to submit a paper, the abstract or the short/full paper will be hosted on the CSBE/SCGAB Technical Library (https://library.csbe-scgab.ca) as a conference paper. To submit your short or full paper, please refer to the guidelines and template here: https://cigr2020.ca/en/papers/author-guidelines.

If you decide not to submit a paper, you can improve the final version and submit it to a journal.

In both cases, neither CSBE nor CIGR will hold the author's rights. We suggest that you consider submitting your paper to the Canadian Biosystems Engineering Journal.


3.     My contribution has been accepted, what is the next step?

You can proceed by completing your registration and fee payment.

Online registration for the conference will opens on September 1st 2020. Register before March 15 to benefit from the early bird rate. Authors must register and make payment before April 15 to be included in the program of the conference.

Registration fees and details: https://cigr2020.ca/en/registration
Online registration: TBD
Program at a glance: https://cigr2020.ca/en/program/general-program


4.     I am an author or co-author of a contribution and I need a letter of invitation to apply for a visa. How can I get it?

You have to send a request to the organizing committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please, provide the following information: full name, organisation, and contact information. For more information on the procedure and restrictions, visit https://cigr2020.ca/en/registration.


5.     I am not the author or co-author of a contribution but I would like to attend the CIGR 2020. What should I do?

You can register online here: https://www.conftool.org/cigr2020. If you need an invitation letter, the CIGR organising committee delivers a letter of invitation to attendees who have paid their registration fee in full. After paying the fees, you can send a request to organizing committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please, provide the following information : full name, organisation, and contact information. For more information on the procedure and restrictions, visit https://cigr2020.ca/en/registration.


6.     I want to submit a contribution, but I am out of date, what could I do?

You can contact the organizing committee who will attend your request. They could submit your contribution and send it for evaluation. You will then receive a response of acceptance or rejection of your contribution and then you can continue with the registration process. New contributions are processed at the discretion of the organizing committee.

Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following information:

  1. Title and abstract (250 words max).
  2. Information of authors (full name, organisation, address, email account).
  3. Key words (5 max).
  4. Presentation type: Oral or Poster
  5. Priority topic


7.    Is there any financial support to cover the fees of the congress or other?

The Canadian Society for Bioengineering (CSBE/SCGAB), which is responsible for the financial aspects of the Congress, cannot support your travel or registration fees. The organizing committee has set a reasonable fee for the full Congress (see our web site: https://cigr2020.ca/en/registration). About 600 delegates are expected, more than three quarters from outside Canada. we hope your organization will be able to support your participation costs, considering the important positive impact of disseminating your research results to the international community.


8. What is the status of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and the holding of the event?

Please read the Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs.