With the COVID-19 virus being declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, the Canada and Quebec governments had put in place several temporary measures to limit the propagation including the interdiction to held multi-person events. Also, Canada is closing its border to foreign travel.
As the situation is evolving very quickly and unpredictably, the Local Organizing Committee has decided to postpone the event to May 10-14, 2021. This said, we are working hard to maintain the program already in place. The online registration will reopen on August 31st when the new program will be confirmed. Authors and registered participants, please see our Continuity Plan.
We are pleased to announce that it will still be possible to submit new abstracts until February 1, 2021. Abstracts already submitted will remain in the system so authors don’t need to re-submit. A separate communication will be done early April to authors and participants with more details about submission and registration cancelation.
We are certainly disappointed and do apologize for the inconvenience, however, the health and safety of all of us and our families hold far greater value.
Thank you for understanding and we hope you will join us in May 2021. Please visit our website www.cigr2020.ca for more information.
Stephane Godbout
Chair of the CIGR 2020 Conference