IMPORTANT: To ensure the proper execution of this virtual conference, please pay special attention to the instructions below. If you have any questions or difficulties following the guidelines, please contact the CIGR2021 Secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) who will be happy to help.
1. How will the conference work?
The conference will be delivered over a professional platform, Zoom, and will be managed by a highly competent and very experienced technical team. The conference platform is rich with features such as text-based chat, Q&A box, questions with polls and more.
All presentations (Keynote, Speakers and Short oral presentations) have to be pre-recorded to improve the quality of the delivery, avoid going over time and avoid any technical issue. However, speakers should be virtually present for their entire session in order to answer questions and participate in the discussion.
The virtual conference will be similar to any in-person conference. Presentations are assembled in sessions according to a theme, and they are assigned a virtual room. A chairperson coordinates each session. All registered attendees can attend all technical sessions and switch from session to session at will. Participants access the session of their choice by entering a virtual room via a hyperlink.
As with in-person conferences, there will also be a dedicated period for questions and discussion after the presentations. Participants will be able to use a Q&A box (similar to a chat) to ask questions during the presentations. The session’s chairperson will then select a few questions, depending on the time allocated for the discussion, and will read them to the presenter, who will be able to answer verbally during the session. The presenter will also be able to answer, after her/his session, any remaining questions through the Q&A box.
All sessions will be fully recorded for post-conference streaming so that all registered attendees will be able to revisit the sessions and catch up with the talks they've missed during three months after the conference. Please note that we automatically assume that presenters accept their recorded presentation to be made available to participants for post-conference streaming on the CIGR2021 website. In case of refusal, presenters need to notify us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by May 10, 2021, and the secretariat will manage the requests.
2. How to submit your accepted paper to be included in the program?
Following your acceptance notice, you should have received an email with your personal data that will be required during the submission process. If you have not received this information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Submission deadline is April 19, 2021.
Please prepare this information before entering the new submission system:
Presentation information
- Presentation’s title
- Abstract (short text summary about 250 words) for online program purposes (text)
- Original contribution ID number (3 digits. You will find it in the acceptance notice email sent).
- Approved presentation style
- A PDF copy of your full or short paper (Optional).
Download the full paper template here: CIGR2021-papertemplate.docx
Full paper submission deadline is May 14.
Presenting author contact information:
- Full given name and family name
- Main affiliation details: institution, city, country
- Email address
- Phone number where you can easily be reached
Co-authors information:
- Full given name and family name
- Main affiliation: institution, city, country
- Email address
- A maximum of two (2) contributions is accepted by registered presenter. You must assign another presenter for the extra contributions.
- Presenters must register before April 19, 2021 to be included in the program.
- After submitting your contribution, you will be invited to register.
Submit your accepted abstract here
3. Preparing your presentation
Presentation format
The duration of the pre-recorded presentations must be strictly observed.
- Contributed Talk (Oral): The time allocated to each contributed talk is 15 minutes (12’ pre-recorded presentation followed by a 3’ for questions). Slides-type presentation.
- Short Oral (Poster): The time allocated to each short Oral speaker is 5 minutes (3’ pre-recorded and 2’ for questions). Slides-type presentation, not the poster format.
The question period will take place in livestream following your presentation or at the end of your session. The technical staff will give you access to the discussion and the session chair will lead the question period.
Pre-recorded presentation
For a pre-recorded presentation, you will have to record yourself narrating a digital version of your presentation. You are free to choose the style of presentation you want, you can decide to record only your slides, yourself or both. It is suggested to use creative methods, e.g. subtitles, animations and video, to enhance your presentation further.
You can use the software or application of your choice to pre-record your presentation. Different tools are available to assist you and enhance your presentation, please find some suggestions below:
- Zoom (Step-by-step guide)
- Microsoft PowerPoint (Instruction video)
- Prezi (Instruction for a video)
- Screencast
Accepted formats are: .wmv, .mp4 or .mov
The following formats are NOT accepted: .ppsx, .pptx, .ppt, .pps
Please use the reference number of your submission to rename your video.
4. Uploading your pre-recorded presentation
We ask that you submit your recorded video no later than Saturday, May 1, 2021.
When you are ready to upload your presentation to our server, please follow these steps:
- Access your submitted presentation. Please click on the link below and use the access code provided previously by CIGR2021 Secretariat.
- Once you are logged in your file, click on « Upload your video here », the button on the top menu bar, and follow the steps.
- At the end of the process, please do not forget to click on the "Finalize" buttonto validate your entry or your modifications.
Submission will start on April 15, 2021. You will not see the "Upload Pre-recorded presentation" option in the system before that.
Upload your Pre-recorded presentation
5. Preparing for your virtual session
Before the conference starts
- Please upload your pre-recorded presentation following the instructions above before Saturday May 1, 2021
- In order to enter the platform, make sure you are registered to the conference. If so, you should have received your access code in the Automated acknowledgment of your registration email.
*Please note that the access code will be sent in a reminder few days before the conference to all registrants. - Find your presentation in the online program as scheduled (link coming soon).
- For an optimal performance, make sure to install Zoom on your computer and/or update it to version 5.6. It will be required to access the conference and take advantage of all the platform’s features.
- Test your internet speed, we recommend an Internet connection speed of at least 2.5 Mbps. Click here to test your Internet connection speed.
- For an optimal experience, a microphone is recommended. Make sure you are in a quiet place without any background noise or distractions. Moreover, a connected headset can offer better sound quality.
A technical staff will be assigned to each virtual session to ensure smooth transitions between presentations and promote speakers when needed (e.g. question period). A session chair will also be assigned to each session to facilitate and oversee the time and question period.
Before the session starts
- Please make sure to join the virtual session 10 minutes before the official start time. (Find how to access your session in the section 7 «To access the virtual conference»)
- When entering the session, make sure to identify yourself with your FIRST NAME and LAST NAME so that the technical staff can easily find you.
- At first, you will enter the Zoom as an Attendee. The technical staff will then promote you to Panelist. This role change will momentarily remove you from the virtual room; however, you will automatically join the session again.
- During the conference, only Panelists (speakers and moderators) will be able to turn on their cameras and share their screens.
- Note that as a Panelist, when your camera and microphone are on, all participants can see and hear you.
During the session
- Pre-recorded presentations will be managed by the technical staff according to the established schedule.
- The question period will take place in livestream following the pre-recorded presentation. Once it’s time, the screen will be switched to panel mode by the technical staff and both the session chair and the speakers will appear side by side on the screen. The session chair will lead the question period and time allotted.
- You will be invited to open your microphone and camera during the question period. Please keep in mind to mute your microphone when you are not speaking to avoid any interference. Unmute your microphone (only) when it’s your turn to speak.
- If you need technical assistance you can contact the technical staff (identified “First name – Conferium”) by using the Chat feature available in Zoom.
Overview and Zoom features
- You will be able to turn your camera on and off yourself. Please test your audio and video as you join.
For more information, read: Configuring Audio & Video (ENG).
- If you wish to have content appear on the screen during your conference, simply click on the “Share Screen” button in Zoom interface. Select the window or desktop you want to share. Please do not forget to check the sound box if you share a video.
- As a speaker or Chair, you will be able to see the list of participants. The pop-up box separates the audience in two columns: Panelists and Attendees.
- The Chat feature will be used by the technical staff to privately contact presenters or the Chair. If you need assistance, you will be able to contact them quickly this way.
- The Q&A feature will be used by attendees to ask questions. The Session Chair will choose the most relevant ones to read for speakers to answer during the question period.
- You can use the Raise Hand feature to inform the technical staff of your presence in the virtual room. During the question period, attendees will use the Raise Hand feature to ask their question out loud according to the Chair's instructions.
6. Conference background for zoom
An optional virtual background will be available if you wish to hide or standardize your surroundings or display the conference’s image during your presentation. You can download it here (link coming soon). This feature works best with a green screen and uniform lighting to enable Zoom to detect the difference between you and your background.
Please click here for instructions to change the standard background.
We recommend that you do a test beforehand to see which background works better for you, depending on your environment.
Zoom Tutorial: Changing your Virtual background (ENG)
7. To access the virtual conference
To access the Virtual Conference and the session in which you are presenting, please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Click here to join the Virtual Conference (link coming soon)
Step 2: Use the icon ”LOGIN” available on the right of the top menu
Step 3: Enter your email and access code provided by the Conference Secretariat. (Please note the access code will be sent in a reminder few days before the conference to all registrants)
Step 4: A successful login returns you to the schedule of the Virtual Conference
Step 5: Click on the desired session at scheduled time
Step 6: Click on the icon "WATCH LIVE". The Zoom website launches.
Step 7: If required, please enter your first name, last name and email address to confirm that you wish to enter the webinar.